Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Rosemary's Cherry Pie

February has a few things going for it and this cherry pie is one of them. When I was in college, my Great-Aunt Rosemary made this for me one President's Day Weekend while I was visiting her. I call her every year for reminders on how to make it. So this year, I decided to take a few notes. You can be ambitious and make your own crust- I bought a frozen one at Whole Foods and it was delish.


1 Pie Crust (homemade or frozen)

For the filling:
1 15 oz can Oregon brand Bing Cherries, Pitted
1 21 oz can Cherry Pie Filling
1 Tablespoon Corn Starch
1 Tablespoon Cold Water
1 Teaspoon Almond Extract

For the Real Whipped Cream Topping:
1 Cup Heavy Whipping Cream
2 Tablespoons powdered sugar
1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract

Cook pie crust according to package instructions and let cool.

Drain the juice from the Bing Cherries into a saucepan. Place over very low heat. in a small bowl, mix one tablespoon of corn starch and one tablespoon of cold water. Add to the Bing Cherry Juice. whisk until thickened slightly. Add the almond extract. Remove from heat and let cool. When the cherry juice has cooled, mix juice with Cherry pie filling in a large bowl. Add the Bing Cherries and gently combine. Pour the filling mixture into the pie crust.

Real Whipped Cream:
Tip: Put your mixer attachments and mixing bowl in the freezer before making the whipped cream.

Pour heavy whipping cream into your frosty whipping bowl. Use a hand mixer to whip the cream until it is thick and fluffy. Gently add powdered sugar and then vanilla. Continue to whip until all the ingredients are combined.

Add the whipped cream to the top of the pie. Yum, thanks Aunt Rose and George Washington!

Monday, February 8, 2010

No Joke

Well, this morning I officially registered for the 2010 ING New York City Marathon. In 2009 , I ran 9 qualifying races and volunteered at 1 event. Therefore, I have earned myself a little something called "guaranteed entry". Have I been running? Nope. Have I been eating healthy? Nope. Will this be a very long and difficult process? Looks like it. Do I need to get my booty in gear? Yes, because 26.2 is-No Joke.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Friday Nite=Pizza Nite

Since I've been living in New York, I have gotten in the habit of getting pizza on friday nites. Now, it has become a serious routine. I don't know about you, but I am always very very tired on Fridays. Therefore, a "no fuss-no muss" pizza pie delivered straight to your door is just the ticket. Now as you can imagine, New York City presents you with a plethora of pizza options. Don't be fooled. Not all pizza shops in this great city, are created equal. Fortunately after 2 1/2 years, I think I have a pretty good short list. Here goes:

Best for taking out-of-towners:
Grimaldi's Pizzeria

Solid Option for Delivery:
Libretto's Pizzeria
I would only get the Grandma Pie here and I can't take credit for this one- my cousin discovered it!

For Going Out:
Yes, some Friday's I will change things up and go out for pizza. If that is the case, I will go here:
It has a very euro crowd and a portrait of Padre Pio on the wall (my Nonni would love it!).

Nicest guys working the counter:
Bleeker Street Pizza
My favorite pie is the Grandma at Bleeker Street. Unfortunately, I am not in the delivery zone. However, I know some pretty great people who are, so that helps. Besides, I have been known to make a special trip all the way down there just for pure 'zza deliciousness.