Saturday, February 6, 2010

Friday Nite=Pizza Nite

Since I've been living in New York, I have gotten in the habit of getting pizza on friday nites. Now, it has become a serious routine. I don't know about you, but I am always very very tired on Fridays. Therefore, a "no fuss-no muss" pizza pie delivered straight to your door is just the ticket. Now as you can imagine, New York City presents you with a plethora of pizza options. Don't be fooled. Not all pizza shops in this great city, are created equal. Fortunately after 2 1/2 years, I think I have a pretty good short list. Here goes:

Best for taking out-of-towners:
Grimaldi's Pizzeria

Solid Option for Delivery:
Libretto's Pizzeria
I would only get the Grandma Pie here and I can't take credit for this one- my cousin discovered it!

For Going Out:
Yes, some Friday's I will change things up and go out for pizza. If that is the case, I will go here:
It has a very euro crowd and a portrait of Padre Pio on the wall (my Nonni would love it!).

Nicest guys working the counter:
Bleeker Street Pizza
My favorite pie is the Grandma at Bleeker Street. Unfortunately, I am not in the delivery zone. However, I know some pretty great people who are, so that helps. Besides, I have been known to make a special trip all the way down there just for pure 'zza deliciousness.

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