Sunday, January 24, 2010

Remember Me?

My mother is a wonderful woman. She's beautiful, generous, super kind, and she can also be pretty funny. As I mentioned in my previous post, the fam got hit hard with the stomach bug...and I promise I am not going to harp on it much longer. However, my mamacita had a funny idea after her tough week. She said "Those moments before you get sick are the absolute worst. I think I am going to get some ipecac to keep in the house. This way I can just get it over with" ha.

It reminded me of the first time I heard of syrup of ipecac. I can't exactly recall how old I was, but I found it in a cabinet under our sink. I read the instructions and couldn't help wondering if it really worked. I also remembered Mr. Yuk stickers saying something about that magical stuff and this got me thinking... "Hey! Why don't you see Mr. Yuk Stickers anymore? I guess with the war, health care, and an economic crisis on our hands, poison control just isn't a major priority. Anyway, here he is! Mr. Yuck! Remember Me?

*Disclaimer: This post is in no way recommending improper use of Syrup of ipecac. Please follow the instructions on the bottle and consult your physician.

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