Thursday, August 12, 2010

Breakfast never looked so cool.

I must admit, I'm pretty tickled with my new iPhone 4G. The photos and video are terrific and I can use apps like Hipstmatic to make something as simple as my breakfast look soooo coool.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Monday Nite Swing Clinic

First, B with the 3 iron:
Yep, that's my man. He's pretty good.

Now, it's my turn-Driver:

Monday, July 19, 2010

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Two weekends ago some friends and I went kayaking on the East river. You may be surprised by this but yes, you can kayak on the East river. It was a lot cleaner than I anticipated and one of the coolest experiences I've had in NYC to date! It offers a different perspective on the city and great views of the Manhattan skyline. You can't beat the price either-it's FREE!
The trips are run by the Long Island City Community Boathouse. Check out their site and some pictures taken by our fearless guide!

Thank You LICCB!

Monday, March 29, 2010

17 Years of Ebeth and Counting...

Today a beautiful young woman turns 17. She has brought lots of joy, laughter, and pop culture to our lives. Let's take a look back shall we?

leo dicaprio in titanic
hillary duff
the olsen twins
the jonas brothers
john and kate plus eight
high school musical
little people big world
the duggars and of course,
kirk cameron

i'm thankful for my sister and her lovely spirit. have a happy birthday!


Monday, March 8, 2010

happy birthday twinkle toes.

Lord, thank you for the gift of my mother. As you know, today is her 50th birthday. Thank you for her spirit of hospitality, sense of humor, and faith. Thank you for blessing her with four children and giving her the patience and energy to shower them with lots of love. Amen.

p.s. thank you for pink tulle and metallic ballet slippers-they make me smile.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sugar, Snap, and that's a Wrap!

You probably never thought about it, but the sugarsnap pea really is one darling of a legume. She's got more attitude and crunch than her cousin the snow pea, but is much sweeter than her brother the string bean.

I made some of these little beauties this evening and it was a super fast and healthy side dish.

Sugarsnap Peas
2 1/2 cups sugarsnap peas
3/4 tablespoon olive oil
1 clove of garlic, minced
1 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
salt and pepper to taste

Trim the tips of the snap peas. Lightly steam in a saute pan with water or an electric rice cooker. Next, place the olive oil in pan over medium-low heat. Once oil has heated, add the garlic and cook for about 2 minutes. Add the crushed red pepper flakes. Add your sugarsnaps and toss in the oil garlic mixture. Add a pinch of salt and black pepper. Cook for about 4 minutes. I like to let the peas get some brown on 'em.

Very simple!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Rosemary's Cherry Pie

February has a few things going for it and this cherry pie is one of them. When I was in college, my Great-Aunt Rosemary made this for me one President's Day Weekend while I was visiting her. I call her every year for reminders on how to make it. So this year, I decided to take a few notes. You can be ambitious and make your own crust- I bought a frozen one at Whole Foods and it was delish.


1 Pie Crust (homemade or frozen)

For the filling:
1 15 oz can Oregon brand Bing Cherries, Pitted
1 21 oz can Cherry Pie Filling
1 Tablespoon Corn Starch
1 Tablespoon Cold Water
1 Teaspoon Almond Extract

For the Real Whipped Cream Topping:
1 Cup Heavy Whipping Cream
2 Tablespoons powdered sugar
1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract

Cook pie crust according to package instructions and let cool.

Drain the juice from the Bing Cherries into a saucepan. Place over very low heat. in a small bowl, mix one tablespoon of corn starch and one tablespoon of cold water. Add to the Bing Cherry Juice. whisk until thickened slightly. Add the almond extract. Remove from heat and let cool. When the cherry juice has cooled, mix juice with Cherry pie filling in a large bowl. Add the Bing Cherries and gently combine. Pour the filling mixture into the pie crust.

Real Whipped Cream:
Tip: Put your mixer attachments and mixing bowl in the freezer before making the whipped cream.

Pour heavy whipping cream into your frosty whipping bowl. Use a hand mixer to whip the cream until it is thick and fluffy. Gently add powdered sugar and then vanilla. Continue to whip until all the ingredients are combined.

Add the whipped cream to the top of the pie. Yum, thanks Aunt Rose and George Washington!

Monday, February 8, 2010

No Joke

Well, this morning I officially registered for the 2010 ING New York City Marathon. In 2009 , I ran 9 qualifying races and volunteered at 1 event. Therefore, I have earned myself a little something called "guaranteed entry". Have I been running? Nope. Have I been eating healthy? Nope. Will this be a very long and difficult process? Looks like it. Do I need to get my booty in gear? Yes, because 26.2 is-No Joke.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Friday Nite=Pizza Nite

Since I've been living in New York, I have gotten in the habit of getting pizza on friday nites. Now, it has become a serious routine. I don't know about you, but I am always very very tired on Fridays. Therefore, a "no fuss-no muss" pizza pie delivered straight to your door is just the ticket. Now as you can imagine, New York City presents you with a plethora of pizza options. Don't be fooled. Not all pizza shops in this great city, are created equal. Fortunately after 2 1/2 years, I think I have a pretty good short list. Here goes:

Best for taking out-of-towners:
Grimaldi's Pizzeria

Solid Option for Delivery:
Libretto's Pizzeria
I would only get the Grandma Pie here and I can't take credit for this one- my cousin discovered it!

For Going Out:
Yes, some Friday's I will change things up and go out for pizza. If that is the case, I will go here:
It has a very euro crowd and a portrait of Padre Pio on the wall (my Nonni would love it!).

Nicest guys working the counter:
Bleeker Street Pizza
My favorite pie is the Grandma at Bleeker Street. Unfortunately, I am not in the delivery zone. However, I know some pretty great people who are, so that helps. Besides, I have been known to make a special trip all the way down there just for pure 'zza deliciousness.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

LaureBelle's Travel Tips

I have been travelling between New York and Texas for a little over a year now. It's a long and painful commute but it has taught me a great deal of patience. I've met some very nice people, some very rude people, I've landed early, on time, late, and made one emergency landing (oxygen masks were almost deployed!).

Here are a few things I have learned while in the air and on the ground, maybe you will find them useful:

1.) If you have a coat, please keep it on your lap or at least wait until everyone has their luggage in the overhead to put it on top. It's inefficient and selfish to take up overhead space with your jacket.

2.) Sometimes better (i.e. closer to the front and exit row) seats will open up prior to the departure time. If you are checking in at the airport or rental car kiosk, check for seat openings. Try to be as close to the front of the plane as possible. You'll get off faster!

3.) In general, I don't recommend ever eating any food (complimentary or purchased) on an airplane. I always end up regretting it. (International flights might be an exception to this rule).

If you don't adhere to tip 3...

4.) NEVER EVER purchase the Boston Market Carver sandwiches on AA flights. If you are starving and have to eat something, buy the Cheese and Crackers for $4. My mom learned this one the hard way.

5.) Check if your flight has wifi. gogoinflight internet is wonderful and it makes the time fly by! (no pun intended) Definitely worth the $12.99!

6.) If you forget a lint roller, take the label of your deodorant or other toiletry and use the sticky side to remove any lint from your clothing!

7.) If you forget hair product, use a teeny tiny bit of conditioner. It will tame your frizz.

8.) Always take the ice bag from the room to the ice machine-rarely do they keep bags in the room with the machine. That would make too much sense.

9.) Pack light.

10.) Be patient. There are a lot of things out of your control when travelling. Relax. You will get where you're going.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Remember Me?

My mother is a wonderful woman. She's beautiful, generous, super kind, and she can also be pretty funny. As I mentioned in my previous post, the fam got hit hard with the stomach bug...and I promise I am not going to harp on it much longer. However, my mamacita had a funny idea after her tough week. She said "Those moments before you get sick are the absolute worst. I think I am going to get some ipecac to keep in the house. This way I can just get it over with" ha.

It reminded me of the first time I heard of syrup of ipecac. I can't exactly recall how old I was, but I found it in a cabinet under our sink. I read the instructions and couldn't help wondering if it really worked. I also remembered Mr. Yuk stickers saying something about that magical stuff and this got me thinking... "Hey! Why don't you see Mr. Yuk Stickers anymore? I guess with the war, health care, and an economic crisis on our hands, poison control just isn't a major priority. Anyway, here he is! Mr. Yuck! Remember Me?

*Disclaimer: This post is in no way recommending improper use of Syrup of ipecac. Please follow the instructions on the bottle and consult your physician.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Whenever I visit my parents home in Pennsylvania, I return to my apartment in NYC with more items (usually of the edible kind) than I left with. This past weekend, I picked up some organic arugula, cherry tomatoes, peppery turkey and the worst 24-hour stomach virus I have ever contracted in my life! So I guess that cancels out the previous items on the list. Anyway, I'm feeling better now so we won't dwell on that.
At home, I am also reminded of things from my childhood. For example, I saw a copy of "Ferdinand The Bull" sitting on my brothers dresser. I couldn't resist. Such an adorable story. It reminded me of some of my other childhood favorites and inspired me to start this blog. So for my college friends who are early childhood/elementary school teachers, (dan, pwhit, steen!) Here are some of my favorites. If possible please incorporate the following into your spring lesson plans:

Caps for Sale
The Story of Ping (read it,the title of this post will make more sense if you do!)
The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Junk Food (actually all of the Berentstain Bear books)
Doctor De Soto
Strega Nona

and The Little Red Hen